The Time for Disclosure is NOW: Embracing Everyday Human Discussion

Author: Alex Bootthanoo
Date: September 9, 2024

With the publishing of Imminent by Luis Elizondo, the time for disclosure isn't some far-off event; it's something evolving right now. As we stand on the edge of a new era of understanding, it's important to realize that disclosure isn't just up to governments or scientists. It's a journey we all share, starting with our everyday conversations.

The Power of Conversation

Disclosure happens when we, as individuals, have open and honest talks about our experiences, beliefs, and questions about UAP. These chats, whether around the dinner table, at community gatherings, or online, are the sparks that ignite a broader societal shift. By sharing our stories and listening to others, we break down the walls of skepticism and fear that have long surrounded UAP.

Luis Elizondo, in his book "Imminent," emphasizes the importance of this grassroots approach:

Ultimately, I leave it up to you, the reader, to decide what imminent means to you. Maybe, after reading this book, you will walk away with a new meaning for yourself.

Luis Elizondo - Imminent

A Grassroots Movement

The push for disclosure is a grassroots movement. It thrives on the curiosity and bravery of everyday people who dare to ask big questions and seek the truth. When we talk openly about UAPs, we add to a growing body of stories that can't be ignored. Each conversation is a piece of the puzzle, helping us build a clearer picture of these phenomena.

One of the biggest challenges in the journey towards disclosure is connecting the extraordinary with the everyday. The Universe on Earth, led by the visionary Krystal Kelley, aims to make the cosmos accessible and relevant to everyone. By creating a space where these conversations can be held in a non-judgemental space, we encourage a deeper connection with the mysteries of the universe and our place within it.

The Role of Community

Elizondo emphasizes the importance of the public's role in disclosure:

"My colleagues and I helped contribute to the modern movement for disclosure and will continue to work toward our cause on a daily basis, but now that the cat is out of the bag, the real threat to those who want to keep the truth hidden is you. You—the public—are a powerful force that can be wielded to ensure we have 100 percent full disclosure. It’s important you make your voice heard loudly. Do your part to help usher in a new era for humanity. A new era in which every human knows we likely share this planet and the entire universe with other intelligent life that is far more advanced than us. A new era where all of humanity is united by the profound common bond of being human."

Luis Elizondo - Iminent

Community engagement is key to the disclosure process. When we come together to talk about UAP, we create a supportive environment where people feel safe to share their experiences without fear of being ridiculed. This sense of community is crucial for building trust and encouraging more people to come forward with their stories.

In the foreword of Imminent Chris Mellon highlights the importance of community and shared experiences: 

"It is one thing to read about a UAP incident; it is quite another to hear about it firsthand from US military personnel whose training, integrity, and reliability make them ideal witnesses. […] The more I pondered the information Lue was presenting, the more my fascination and amazement turned to outrage and anger.”

Chris Mellon - Imminent

Igniting Curiosity and Inspiring Wonder

At Universe on Earth, we believe that the time for disclosure is NOW. By sparking curiosity and inspiring wonder, we empower individuals to explore the unknown and seek answers. Whether through immersive field investigations, scholarly research, or public dialogues, our goal is to make the cosmos a part of everyday life.

Driving Disclosure Through Discussion

To further this mission, Universe on Earth has been hosting Alien Open Mics across North and South America. These events provide a platform for individuals to share their UAP experiences and engage in meaningful discussions. By bringing people together in a supportive and open environment, we aim to drive disclosure through everyday human interaction.

Join us at an Alien Open Mic near you and be a part of the conversation that is shaping our understanding of the universe. Together, we can make the extraordinary a part of our everyday lives and move closer to the truth about UAP.

Any ufo sightings or close encounters?

Reach out to us in our community, and let us know what you saw.
The Universe on Earth is creating healing space around the disclosure topic of extraterrestrials. Our team of investigators is travelling to unique places on our planet that are hotspots for UFO/UAP activity. 
At each stop, we are hosting an Alien Open Mic to invite locals to take part in a safe place and share encounter stories. We envision an inspirational disclosure on an individual & collective level.
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