Blog Posts

Memorandum 6751
The following is a typed reproduction of Memorandum 6751, a declassified document by the FBI, for your viewing pleasure. [BEGINNING OF DOCUMENT] THE ROUND ROBIN...
How to Align Yourself to Connect with Aliens
Alder Sherwood With the government publicly releasing UFO footage, massive amounts of sightings posted on social media and rapidly growing online communities, t...
A Journey Through Hypnosis and Healing
Mary Kennedy’s journey into hypnotherapy began in 2011, culminating in certifications from the Northwest Hypnosis Institute, the Gresham Hypnosis School, the ...

Any ufo sightings or close encounters?

Reach out to us in our community, and let us know what you saw.
The Universe on Earth is creating healing space around the disclosure topic of extraterrestrials. Our team of investigators is travelling to unique places on our planet that are hotspots for UFO/UAP activity. 
At each stop, we are hosting an Alien Open Mic to invite locals to take part in a safe place and share encounter stories. We envision an inspirational disclosure on an individual & collective level.
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