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We can't wait for governments to disclose the existence of extrarrestrials. Close encounters are commonplace all over the world. Without a place for honest conversation, these stories go untold. Humanity knows they're here. What does this mean? Why are they here? What do we do now? This is what we're seeking to answer. Our investigative team is travelling to unique UFO/UAP hotspots on our planet, hosting Alien Open Mics for locals to share their encounters. We're compiling their stories in our docuseries to fasttrack disclosure.
We are a collective of creatives from TV production, tech, and social media, united to drive the act of Disclosure. Our docu-series and community offer the guidance, tools, and information needed to answer questions surrounding UFO's, aliens, and our individual role in this larger work.

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stay up to date with how we're driving Disclosure

The Universe on Earth Docuseries

We're breaking new ground by traveling the world and bringing you along on our quest to uncover hidden truths. Join the journey live—watch behind-the-scenes footage, connect with our team, and join our live streams. Our docuseries will be available on YouTube, and we'll soon launch a streaming network for extended cuts and exclusive content.
An Agenda of Disclosure
We can't depend on the governments to disclose the truth behind UFOs and aliens. Our Agenda is telling unbiased truth.
Reporting on Close Encounters
We report on close encounters by talking with locals worldwide and gathering insights from our community and networks. 
Global Tours of Discussion
With our upcoming North and South American tour, we will be traveling to UFO hotspots and interviewing the locals.
Holding Space
Close Encounters can be scary, leaving you with more questions than answers. We're holding space for healing and discussion.
Opening Up The Conversation
We believe in the power of open dialogue. We invite experts, experiencers, and our community to share their insights.
Mind-Expanding Theories
Our series explores thought-provoking ideas about the nature of reality, and interdimensional beings. 

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Join our Universe on Earth newsletter and never miss out on the latest discoveries, updates, and exclusive content about UFOs, extraterrestrial life, and cosmic phenomena.
Alien Open Mic - Rincon Puerto Rico

Alien Open Mic - Puerto Rico

June 7 @ 8:00 pm

Have you ever seen a UFO or had an encounter with the unexplained? Do you have a story that’s out of this world? Join us for an unforgettable evening at our Alien Open Mic Night in Rincón, Puerto Rico. This is your chance to share your experiences with UFOs, extraterrestrials, and the paranormal in a welcoming and supportive environment.
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Alien Open Mic - Mexico

November 11th @ 2:22 pm

Join us for our Alien Open Mic in Tulum, Mexico. Deep inside the Yucatán jungle, we're opening the floor for locals, seekers, and experiencers to share their stories of close encounters and extraterrestrial experiences. At this unique stop on our North and South American tour, we're hosting the event in the sacred Cenote Sagrado, a cave with a mystical and ancient portal that amplifies the…
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Join Our Online Community

Connect with fellow seekers, share your experiences, and stay updated on our latest discoveries. Join our online community today and be a vital part of our mission to uncover the universe's hidden truths!
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Any ufo sightings or close encounters?

Reach out to us in our community, and let us know what you saw.
The Universe on Earth is creating healing space around the disclosure topic of extraterrestrials. Our team of investigators is travelling to unique places on our planet that are hotspots for UFO/UAP activity. 
At each stop, we are hosting an Alien Open Mic to invite locals to take part in a safe place and share encounter stories. We envision an inspirational disclosure on an individual & collective level.
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© 1st Arrival 2024